Lazuli Fharis

<Neon Stripes>

Lazuli Fharis was born in Alexandria three years after its dimensional fusion to the Source. Her parents were Xak Turali Xbr'aal, though any record of their names, occupation, and original home have been lost. All that is known is that they named her Lazuli, presumably choosing an Alexandrian-style name to help her feel more connected to their new home.Despite their choice of name, Lazuli grew up feeling very isolated due to the absence of other Xbr'aal in Alexandria, but proved a capable student. She found the field of Electrope Engineering particularly fascinating, and, along with a healthy dose of mechanical training, took particular interest in building and maintaining vehicles, appliances, and other electrope-powered gadgetry.A dark spot in Lazuli's upbringing is the death of her parents. She does not remember precisely when they died, as all three were wearing regulators at the time. Looking back, many of her memories are muddy and fragmented, and her inability to remember them, especially after the events of Dawntrail's base MSQ, bring her great pain. She did not encounter them in Living Memory when she traveled there with the Warrior of Light, and Shale and the other members of Oblivion (of which she is, herself, a member) have been able to unearth any information about who they were.Following the events of the base MSQ, Lazuli was adopted into the Fharis family of Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te by the Warrior of Light, Rhazi Fharis. Though Rhazi intended to adopt Lazuli as a sister, due to only being 39 years old herself, Lazuli soon grew to view Rhazi and her husband, Roland Weaver, as parental figures. Rhazi retired not long after, leaving the job of adventuring to Lazuli and other, younger adventurers.Lazuli is gregarious, warm, and caring but always keeps her past and her concerns close to her chest. She has many friends but few confidants. Those with whom she shares the truth about her past and her pain over having no memory of her parents are, whether they realize it or not, some of the most important people in her life.

The One and (Maybe) Only - Lazuli is one of few, or perhaps the only, Xbr'aal who have lived under the dome to the present day. Other Alexandrian Xbr'aal would probably know her due to the vanishingly small size of their community, and other Turali citizens under the dome would probably know her for the same reason.Return to Oblivion - Lazuli is a member of Oblivion and friends/colleagues with all of its other members. She is known among its ranks for her skills at Electrope Engineering and mechanical aptitude.Sun's Successor - Lazuli was not only adopted by the previous Warrior of Light, Rhazi Fharis, but chosen as her to be the successor of the Seat of Azem. She has been gifted with the Azem memory crystal and has promised to travel the world and right wrongs just as her adopted mother and previous Azems have done.Mechanically Inclined - Lazuli is known for taking mechanical odd jobs for extra money, and your character might have commissioned her...or might be seeking her out for a job.Thrill-Seeking Speed Racer - Lazuli is known for racing her air-wheeler in contravention of Alexandrian law and common sense. She proudly boasts speeding tickets from every traffic sub-district in Solution Nine, and has modified her bike to remove its governor. Those with a flair for the dramatic or an interest in semi-legal flying vehicles might know her by reputation.

Some items (almost) always found on Lazuli's person, that provide some insight into her life...Counterfeit Regulator - Crafted by Lazuli herself, this is a plastic shell with limited electrope components contained within, just enough to show blinking lights when receiving certain signals. Lazuli wears this to avoid drawing undue attention. The serial number is lifted from her old, authentic regulator, which she took off after having a crisis realization about the loss of her parents and never wore again.Air-wheeler A9 GX Turbo Key - This key allows for the operation of an (illegally) modified and deluxe class of air-wheeler bike. The bike itself features chroma-shift paint that shades from blue to purple, bright purple light strips and several decals, including a limited-edition Wicked Thunder decal.Electrope Multitools - Lazuli has two electrope multitools, which look like small, pencil-sized pieces of electrope but can be manipulated in various ways to turn them into useful tools such as a screwdriver, pliers, multimeter, flashlight, and more.Hunting Knife - Possibly a relic from her parents, Lazuli often has this plain, unassuming knife strapped to her belt. In form, it is similar to a real-world Bowie Knife. The hilt is made of polished wood and has some scratches which are probably too regular to be accidental, but too worn to be read.

Coming soon!